1. Membership criteria  are as follows
A. Ordinary
i. Citizenship: Malaysia
ii. Minimum Age: 18 years
iii. Area / State of Residence Member: Sarawak
iv. Ethnic / Ethnic: All
v. Gender: All
vi. Religion: All
vii. Other Membership Criteria: N / a
B. Associate Member
Open to those who do not meet the criteria of ordinary members.
C. Honorary Member
Consists of those who are committed to society and can contribute to the organization. They are determined by the Committee and are exempt from payment of fees.
D. Life Member
Open to Ordinary Members who pay the fees at once.
E. Adolescents
Open to those under 18. They need to obtain a written consent letter from parents or legal guardians. They cannot vote or hold positions in the Organization.
2. Every member application shall be proposed and supported by a member and sent to the Secretary who is required to submit the application as soon as possible to the Committee for consideration. The Committee may at its discretion reject any application without giving reasons.
3. Every applicant whose application has been approved as mentioned above shall, after having paid the entrance fee and the first fee as prescribed shall be admitted to the member of the Organization and shall be a member.